Do You Need More Peace and Joy as a Homeschool Mom?

Do You Need More Peace and Joy as a Homeschool Mom?

  • Feeding and cleaning up after your crew.
  • Getting out the door on time for co-op or field trips.
  • Trying to keep the laundry mountain small and your home from looking less like a tornado hit it.
  • Being stretched in different directions with kids of different ages and stages.
  • Wondering when you’ll have time to read that book or listen to that podcast. Or just have quiet head space.
  • Wanting to stay as close as possible to your budget for curriculum or learning activities.
  • Making sure you still have enough energy for your husband when he comes home.

Oh, the life of a homeschool mom!

We aren’t just educating homemakers, but disciple-makers … spending pretty much 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with several other miniature-sized sinners who can rub you and each other raw.

Intentionally addressing heart issues and directing your children to Jesus on top of maintaining order in your everyday life is no small feat.

Sure, you know that this call to teach and train your kids at home is noble and worthy and a beautiful thing.

But a beautifully MESSY thing, that can frazzle and wear us down, and sometimes cause us to lose a little peace and joy along the way.

In my 13+ years as a homeschool mom, I’ve learned a few things to help redirect me back to that peace and joy that often gets lost in the midst of messy or mundane.

I’ve put them together in this FREE resource that I hope will help other homeschool mamas in the trenches. Simply join my community and you will receive it right away in your inbox!