Christmas in Iran + Christmas Cookies and Angels

Kirismas Mobarak (I hope I’m spelling that right)! That’s how you’d greet someone a Merry Christmas in Persian, the language spoken in Iran.
Today’s Advent school is all about Christmas cookies, angels, and Iran!
What’s the connection between all three?
Supposedly, cookies were invented in Persia (now known as Iran) in the 7th century. Persia was one of the first countries to grow and harvest sugar cane and these “test cakes” were used by cake bakers to test the oven temperature.
According to today’s read, Christmas cookies were used to tell the needy about Jesus.
And since only .15% of Iran’s population is Christian, they are in spiritual need of messengers who can share about Jesus!
With the country primarily made up of Muslims, Christmas is not widely celebrated (instead, Yalda Night – a winter solstice festival – is). Those who do observe the holiday are typically ethnic Armenians who have immigrated to Iran. It is in Christian neighborhoods you will see things like Christmas trees and other related decor.
Books to Read
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We learned a little more about the Muslim faith – how it started and what they believe – in the book, Tales of Persia by William McElwee Miller. He served as a missionary to that land for 43 years! In his book he recounts inspiring stories about the gospel changing lives in Iran … as a homeschool mama, I highly recommend reading missionary stories to your children!

The Legend of the Christmas Cookie shares how cookies were used in the Middle Ages as a way to tell people about Jesus’ life and love. These unique cookies not only served as figures for the Christmas story, but also filled up the tummies of the hearers, most of whom were poor and hungry.
What a great way to share the best message in the world!

Speaking of messages, Christmas Angels is another sweet rhyming book that’s perfect for littles about God’s heavenly messengers.
Baking Activity
The fitting activity for today is obviously baking and decorating Christmas cookies!

Our absolute fave recipe is from Nesting with Grace. Our crew feels like these sugar cookies are more like a soft, sweet biscuit. It is then topped with a cream cheese frosting. Not sure what makes these shine above all other sugar cookies we have tried … is it the almond extract in both the cookie and the frosting? Is it the texture of the cookie? Is it all of it put together?!
You’ll have to try for yourselves!

Craft Activity

My girls loved making this sweet little angel craft!
How to make them:
Christmas Songs for the Day
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (I like this version from Mercy Me) is such a fitting carol since it tells of angels and their message to earth!
Angels We Have Heard on High (I like this version from King & Country) is such a fitting carol since it tells of angels and their message to earth!