Welcome! We be the Cooks – the Christian unschooling AKA lifeschooling family of five behind COOKing Up Adventures.
We used to explore God’s world more often and much longer, but we are now in a season of raising teens and it has been challenging to find the time when our schedules are synced up to be able to adventure together like we did in the past!
Note for moms of littles: Do not hesitate to adventure together while your people are little. 18 years may seem like a long time, but we are finding that it is actually a really short window of time for making memories together!
While our excursion adventuring days have slowed down, we still love to curate everyday learning adventures as we continue to learn and grow together in The Bigger Story.

We love learning about God’s big world and the greater story we are part of, whether at home through books or on the road through experiences.
We only get one life; one story. That is why we fully believe in being intentional with how we spend our days, cultivating a life that matters, making memories with those we love, and building a family legacy that we hope will pass on for generations to come.
For our tribe, this translates to:
- aiming to be good stewards of the resources (our bodies, our finances, our time, our energy) we have been given
- cultivating a life-giving home, not only for our immediate family but also for all those enter our doors
- providing our kids an education that fosters a love for always learning and growing
- raising our kids to become future leaders and valuable contributors to society
- experiencing as much of the beauty this earth holds – both through nature and through people
This space is where we share our own family’s journey in The Bigger Story we are all part of, primarily through our adventures in “life without school” and educational family travel.
You will also find thoughts on gospel identity and how it informs our motherhood from Pauline.
Thank you for visiting!