Max and Cha Cha’s RC Crawlers Overview & Book Trail Video

Hey everyone this is Max! Wanted to share this video to show how fun these mini crawlers are and write about some of the things that make these things sooooo cool!
So first of all they’re small, which makes it perfect for traveling or living in small spaces like we are right now. That also means that you can make anything an obstacle for them to crawl over. For example, books. Since we homeschool we have a ton of books. And I’m sure if you homeschool or do any school for that matter, you have some too!
Next, upgrades/mods. One of the most fun things to do on these crawlers, is work on them. It is so cool to put new parts on and see how much better they perform. You can buy upgrades, or you can make them for free.
Last but not least, driving! It is so awesome to see such a small vehicle, off road like the big rigs. And just like anything, you get better at running these crawlers with practice. So grab some friends or siblings, and hit the trail! I know they’re not inexpensive but it really is a cool hobby to get into to.
I hope you guys enjoyed the video! I will try to get some better lighting for future videos on these RC crawlers.