United States Government Unit Study

This spring, we did a quick United States Government Unit Study, which is something that has piqued our kids’ interest in the last few years (especially with the current political climate and the most recent presidential election).
We had already done an American Revolution Unit Study in the past, to give them context for how the United States was created in the first place. But this time around, we wanted to specifically learn about how our government works and what that means for us as American citizens.
My kids are currently 11, 14, and 16 years old.
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Gather ‘Round Homeschool’s United States Government Mini Unit
I only read aloud from the Teacher’s Guide (we didn’t use any of the corresponding workbooks that Gather ‘Round sells).

As an unschooling family, this is how we typically roll with Gather ‘Round … just read from the teacher’s guides we are interested in and then go from there, whether that’s to do a hands-on activity, watch a show or movie related to the content, procure more books from the library for deep-dives, going on field trips to make our learning come alive, or simply discuss what we’ve just read.
We really do love Gather ‘Round’s teacher’s guides because not only are they packed with great information, but are visually appealing (we did Living off the Land last spring, when our girls were really into pioneer history, and Entrepreneurship last fall, since all three of our kiddos are entrepreneurially-minded).
Documents that Shaped the Nation Books

Who Was Books for Elementary/Middle School
Founding Mothers: Remembering the Ladies

Books for Junior High/High School
I also read excerpts from Able and Mighty Men: Biographies of the Men Who Signed the Declaration of Independence to Big Sis and Big Bro.

And, of course, it’s important to read directly the writings and speeches of some of the most influential historical figures of our country.

Schoolhouse Rock Videos on YouTube
These videos are pretty silly, and I only intended for Baby Sis (the 11 year-old) to view them, but The Bigs happened to be in the room when I played the videos.
Afterwards, they shared that, due to the utter cheesiness, the videos actually helped them remember the information we were learning about in our United States Government Unit Study, LOL.
America – Three Ring Government
Field Trip Idea
Sure, you can head to the original Cradle of Liberty in Pennsylvania, but did you know there is an iconic patriotic landmark in California?!

Thanks to Walter Knott of – yes – Knott’s Berry Farm, those who live closer to the West Coast (and those visiting his theme park in Buena Park) have the opportunity to experience personal pride in our country’s heritage by visiting the only, exact, brick-by-brick replica of the original Independence Hall.
Apparently, this was a dream project of his to commemorate the efforts of our founding fathers and their work to produce two of the greatest documents ever conceived by man: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.

This West Coast Independence Hall is located just across the street from Knott’s Berry Farm and right next to Knott’s Soak City Waterpark and is (per Walter Knott’s wishes) open to the public, admission-free, every day (except Christmas), from 10 am – 4 pm.
Upon entering from the front doors, you will be greeted by a replica of the Liberty Bell. After planning and preparation, it only took three days for the Buena Park bell to make! The more arduous task was making the crack in the same place as the original; this took two weeks. If you press the button located near the staircase, you will hear a narration about the bell.

Past the Liberty Bell ante-room and to the left is what would be the Supreme Court Chamber in the original landmark, but the space in this replica is used for revolutionary artifacts and a little gift shop. Don’t forget to ask for a self-guided tour handout from the counter!

The main attraction of course is the Declaration Chamber, where an audio re-enactment of the delegates discussing the Declaration of Independence (roughly 15 minutes long) takes you back in time.

This was a neat little stop for our crew while visiting family in So Cal to wrap up our United States Government Unit Study!
Hands-On Activities
Memorize the Preamble to the Constitution with hand motions.

We were given a hard copy of this hand motions handout at one of our previous homeschool co-ops. I don’t know who originally created it, but after a quick web search, was able to find a PDF copy of it to share with you guys!
Build the White House and the Capitol Building.

If you have Lego-lovers, you’ll want to get these mini building blocks. We’ve only seen this brand/style of building blocks at visitor’s centers for all the different national parks. On our field trip to the Buena Park Independence Hall, we picked up both the White House and the U.S. Capitol (but there are all kinds that your kiddos may enjoy that go with the national park you are visiting).

Download and print out my Patriotic Pack to supplement your studies!

This printable Patriotic Pack includes 15 pages of activity sheets to help supplement your United States Government Unit Study. It includes:
- the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, plus corresponding copywork page
- the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States, plus corresponding copywork page
- the first part of the Star-Spangled Banner, plus corresponding copywork page
- the Pledge of Allegiance, plus corresponding copywork page
- three pages of quotes from some of the Founding Fathers
- three pages of coloring pages