Victory is Secured Through Surrender

In my almost 17 years as a parent and 12 years as a home educator, I’ve seen some really rough days.
Bad attitudes (mom included). Bickering siblings. Loneliness as families moved on from homeschooling to institutional schooling. Grappling with how to walk alongside my kids over heartaches or sin struggles. Each of us hurting each other royally because of our own selfishness. And way, way more.
Though I always knew in my core that this stay-at-home/homeschool mom gig was what God was calling me to, the truth is there were many days where it was easy to lust over alternatives (I may have updated my resume a handful of times over the years in preparation to go back to work and have started registration forms to enroll my kids at the local school, LOL).
There were days I was tempted to succumb to thoughts that are negative and untrue – not just about me as a mom and teacher, me as a wife as well. Truthfully, some of those earlier days were so dark that my mind would go to places that I’m ashamed to share about (but God is fully aware of).
My sin was (still is!) evident every moment of the day and a constant prayer, to this day, is that God would protect my kids from my sin 🙈.
Even now, as I navigate my role as a mom of teens and a tween, emotional weariness and guilt can weigh down my spirit, overwhelming me enough to cloud my perspective about my identity and purpose.
There is a real fight to set my mind on things above (Col 3:2), to think of what is worthy of praise (Phil 4:8), to press on toward the goal (Phil 3:14).
But … I must fight.
Thankfully, I do not fight alone nor empty-handed. I have been given a Helper to lead me and a powerful weapon in the Word.
And when I surrender and submit to both, acknowledging my weakness and need for aid, God’s power comes perfectly alive, slaying the enemy’s attempts to deceive, distract, and keeping me down.
Raising arrows is undoubtedly a high calling. But it also means there is a target on our backs. And we are called to fight differently than the world does.
Today, I’m praying for those of you who are resonating with this message right now. That God would embolden you to surrender and submit to the author and perfector of your faith, and who is the ultimate victor over all.