
Planning and Record-Keeping When You’re Unschooling

Planning and Record-Keeping When You’re Unschooling

Almost all homeschool families plan and prep for the school year. As a Christian unschooling/lifeschooling family, we do as well, but instead of doing so based on what I think my children should be learning or what a curriculum dictates, I do it primarily on 

Practical Tips for Getting Into College as an Unschooler

Practical Tips for Getting Into College as an Unschooler

One major concern for parents considering an unschooling life is if their unschooled kids will be able to get into college. Now, I’ll be transparent, at the time of this writing none of my kids are college-bound. However, I also had this concern and spent 

Why Real Life & Leadership Skills Should Be the Bulk of Your Homeschooling

Why Real Life & Leadership Skills Should Be the Bulk of Your Homeschooling

One of the main reasons why our family chose to ditch rigid curriculum and schedules in favor for unschooling – or lifeschooling – is because we wanted more time and space to equip our kids to thrive in a world beyond academics. And now, with 

Favorite Unschooling Books as a Christian Homeschooler

Favorite Unschooling Books as a Christian Homeschooler

Books to Read for Reframing Your Thinking About Education This post contains affiliate links and we may earn compensation when you click on the links, at no additional cost to you. Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto critiques 

Unschooling High School with The North Star Strategy

Unschooling High School with The North Star Strategy

Those who have followed our fam for a while know that at least every quarter for many, many years our homeschool was guided by our educational compasses. These educational compasses have been a cornerstone for our lives as self-directed learners and are basically personal action 

From Checklists to Heart Change: What Christian Homeschool Parents Can Miss

From Checklists to Heart Change: What Christian Homeschool Parents Can Miss

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them 

ADVENT-ure Around the World with Your Tastebuds!

ADVENT-ure Around the World with Your Tastebuds!

I recently shared that every December for many years, our family has embarked on a special journey we call our ADVENT-ure Around the World. It’s a time when we transform our homeschool into a Christmas School, diving into the rich traditions, cultures, and stories of 

Unschooling as Christians is About Surrender and Trust

Unschooling as Christians is About Surrender and Trust

Galatians 5:1 tells is that Christ has set us free and that we should no longer be burdened by a yoke of slavery. This verse refers to the burden of performing under Mosaic law, but I can’t help but think of other burdens we subject 

ADVENT-ure Around the World

ADVENT-ure Around the World

Every December for years, our crew would do something we called Advent School or Christmas School. It was my attempt as a mom who wanted to fight to keep Christ at the center of Christmas but also in a fun way. I wanted to help 

Christmas in The Philippines + The Christmas Star

Christmas in The Philippines + The Christmas Star

🌟 MALIGAYANG PASKO! 🌟The Philippines is near and dear to my heart because that is where my parents and extended family are from! Did you know that the Philippines is the only Asian nation where Christianity (mostly Catholic) is the main religion?! πŸ™Œ The Filipinos 

Christmas in China + Christmas Wrapping Paper

Christmas in China + Christmas Wrapping Paper

Today we travel to China, another country with very few Christians! Since there aren’t many Christians in China (only 1% of their population), it is not as much a holiday as it is for us in the U.S. (Chinese New Year is their biggest winter 

Christmas in Iran + Christmas Cookies and Angels

Christmas in Iran + Christmas Cookies and Angels

Kirismas Mobarak (I hope I’m spelling that right)! That’s how you’d greet someone a Merry Christmas in Persian, the language spoken in Iran. Today’s Advent school is all about Christmas cookies, angels, and Iran! What’s the connection between all three? Supposedly, cookies were invented in