
Teaching Siblings How to Handle Conflict

Teaching Siblings How to Handle Conflict

When my kids were younger, they would get in pretty legit fights … just like other siblings. I mean, they still can get into it, but not nearly in the same way as they did when they were much smaller, SUPER selfish human beings who 

Christian Homeschooling + Sheltered Kids

Christian Homeschooling + Sheltered Kids

I recently shared some of my thoughts on homeschooling and socialization on Instagram and how educational choice for our kids is not the primary factor for whether they become well-socialized or not. I made the points that: 1) “social” is a relative term, 2) we 

Unschooling Preschool

Unschooling Preschool

Recently, a mama with littles shared that she had a hard time coming up with a daily routine for her 2- and 4.5-year old kiddos, and asked for a suggestion of how to time block her days without it feeling too scheduled (she has a 

Interview with My Unschooled Teens

Interview with My Unschooled Teens

I have something special for you today! I few weeks back, I asked my community (you guys) to do a survey and one of the questions I asked was: If we could meet for coffee, what would you ask me? There were quite a few questions 

How to Encourage Kids to Do Hard Things Without Them Feeling Resentful

How to Encourage Kids to Do Hard Things Without Them Feeling Resentful

First off, there have been lots of times my kids have totally felt resentful for doing things they don’t want to do! I think that’s human nature and I don’t believe there will ever be anyone who doesn’t ever struggle with this. With that said, 



It’s that time of year! I usually like to share our “day in the life” snapshots in the middle of the school year (instead of the beginning) because it truly is representative our real-life rhythm (versus ideal plans that haven’t yet come to life, LOL). 

Teaching Kids Entrepreneurship

Teaching Kids Entrepreneurship

Teaching kids entrepreneurship should be a requirement in schools/homeschools today! Why do I feel so strongly about this? Because cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset and learning entrepreneurial skills aren’t just for those who want to start a business … they are things that can be applied 

A Christmas Season Reminder PLUS Giveaway AND Christmas Fun Roundup!

A Christmas Season Reminder PLUS Giveaway AND Christmas Fun Roundup!

In a matter of weeks, we will celebrate God humbling himself in the form of the most vulnerable of all humanity – a baby. But let’s not forget that this baby we are so anxious to celebrate did not stay a baby. His manger is 

How to Make Money as a Homeschool Mom

How to Make Money as a Homeschool Mom

I don’t know about you guys, but it has been pretty tight in these parts lately! Cost of living has gone up significantly and at the same time, my kids are growing … which means their cost of raising them are growing as well (food, 

Keeping Faith & Family First at the Vibrant Home Life Summit

Keeping Faith & Family First at the Vibrant Home Life Summit

An Invitation I’m super excited to invite you to the Vibrant Home Life Summit, which happens a month from now (October 29 – November 3, 2023)! Why the Vibrant Home Life Summit? In the midst of our busy, technology-driven world, it can sometimes feel incredibly 

Favorite Picture Books for Fall

Favorite Picture Books for Fall

Today I’m sharing my family’s favorite picture books for fall! A Treasured Family Tradition When my kids were younger, one of our treasured and long-standing traditions as a homeschool family was to usher in each new season with seasonal reads. On the first day of 

The Foundation and Framing of Children

The Foundation and Framing of Children

There’s a house being built next door. I love seeing the progress every day and get excited over how it will turn out. Gives me the same vibes I felt when we were building our own home. Today, I pondered how it took from late spring