What is Your Homeschool “WHY”?

What is Your Homeschool “WHY”?

An Important Question

What’s your homeschool WHY? Why have you chosen (and continue to choose) to tread a path less traveled?

Reflecting often on the answer to this question is important because simply put, homeschooling is no joke! As ideal as it may seem to many, it is truly a vocation of unglamorous sacrifice.

Homeschool moms choose to surrender their days (and nights and weekends) to the unceasing task of not only raising children, but educating them all about the world they live in. There is no clock out time; no distinct line between our mothering and mentorship.

The days can vacillate anywhere between slow and mundane, to precious and hopeful, to … a straight up poop show. And our whole being – physical, spiritual, mental, emotional – can get jerked around in the process.

And that is why it is so important to be clear about our homeschool WHY.

  • When days are hard, it will give you that drive to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
  • When others criticize, it will remind you of your conviction and calling.
  • When you are drowning in a sea of overwhelming information and resources, it will bring clarity and peace.

Our Family’s Homeschool WHY

We have been a homeschooling family for over a decade. There are quote a few reasons why we have opted for the home educated route … maybe these will help you as you consider yours:

  • We want our children to grow and learn at the pace God has uniquely intended for them (not what society dictates).
  • We want to provide an environment that fans the natural curiosity that burns within their spirits (all children actually!); an environment that encourages a thirst and love for knowledge about the world God has placed them in, without external pressures to conform to the status quo.
  • We want to give each of our kids an education that is personal and meaningful to them; one that edifies their God-given strengths, talents, giftings, and personal mission.

I fully believe each one of us has a purpose much greater than ourselves, ordained by the One who created us, for His glory.

For our fam, homeschooling provides an unhindered opportunity to help these arrows grow in that awareness, to direct them towards that purpose, and to model for them what it looks like to walk this earth in light of it.

Your Homeschool WHY is the Underpinning for Your Homeschool Vision

Once you are able to formulate a concrete answer for own your family, you can then begin to draft up your own homeschool vision statement.

Whereas your homeschool WHY is the motivating factor for choosing to homeschool in the first place, your homeschool vision will serve as the guide to direct you over the long haul.

Not Just for Homeschool Families

You may not be a homeschool parent, but you are still your child’s primary teacher!

Have you considered your own parenting WHYs? Do you have a family vision statement?

We make not be walking the same exact road, but we are in the same battle of fighting against a culture of haphazard parenting.

Especially for us Christian families – we live in a generation set wholly against God and His design. And we need to remember that we aren’t just moms and dads, but raising up an army of kingdom arrows. Therefore, we need a battle plan to not only direct our steps, but to keep us going when the enemy attempts to take us down.

Children are a heritage from the Lord,
    offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
    are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
    whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
    when they contend with their opponents in court.

Proverbs 127: 3-5

For those mamas who like swag to remind them of their roles as arrow-raisers, I finally put that hat I designed last year up on my Etsy shop!

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