How to Make Money as a Homeschool Mom

How to Make Money as a Homeschool Mom

I don’t know about you guys, but it has been pretty tight in these parts lately! Cost of living has gone up significantly and at the same time, my kids are growing … which means their cost of raising them are growing as well (food, activities, braces, etc.)!

Patrick has a great job and is an amazing provider, but we are definitely feeling this current economy as a single-income household.

We used to be able to do more fun things as a family, like long roadschooling trips or being able to spontaneously go on a quick lifeschooling adventure.

But in the last couple of years, we’ve had to tighten up our belts and have had to be more thoughtful about how we spend our money.

I know we aren’t alone, because I’ve had many conversations with other mamas who are feeling the pinch right now.

So today, I want to share some of ideas for how to make money as a homeschool mom, both for the immediate future and for the long-term:


1) Re-sell your stuff

This is the easiest and fastest way to bring in a little extra moolah! I do this all the time to not only purge, but to recoup cash from things we no longer need anymore.

I’ve collected my kids’ toys and clothing and resold them on places like Craigstlist, FB Marketplace, Mercari, Poshmark, or our local Rhea Lana’s consignment sales.

I’ve also done well selling no-longer-needed books/curriculum on Ebay or on FB groups dedicated for re-selling curriculum.

If I need quick cash, I simply look around our house and offer it for sale!

2) Provide childcare

This is a simple, tried and true way to earn money as a homeschool mama. You can watch working moms’ children or see if your local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) pays for childcare during their bi-weekly meetings (I know the on in our town does!).

3) Tutor or teach

Do you just love a particular subject and have a heart for teaching kids besides your own?

See if you can teach at the local co-op for pay. Maybe you can take a child struggling in a specific subject under your wings. Or you can even teach children all over the world virtually via platforms like

4) Sell your handmade items

If you are crafty, you can sell the things you make at local markets.

Of course, you need to take the time to create your inventory, but this is another relatively simple and quick way to bring in a little extra cash.


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5) Go into direct sales as an independent consultant

This may not be your cup of tea, but the reality is that direct sales companies do offer homeschool moms a viable opportunity to make money with a flexible schedule.

I, myself, was once an active independent consultant Usborne Books and More (now known as PaperPie). It was a great way for me to make extra cash to fund our “family fun” envelope.

As a book-loving homeschool mama, Usborne Books and More (again, now PaperPie) was a perfect fit for me for a season (I have now moved my focus to digital entrepreneurship, which I share more about below, but I do still keep my account active so I can continue purchasing the amazing resources at a discount for our own homeschool library).

There are so many companies to look into … think of items you personally love or passions you have that you would love to share with others. Do you love make-up or kitchen gadgets or organizing product or essential oils? Whatever floats your boat, you can turn into a side business by joining a direct sales company, plus also get the products for a discount!

6) Start a blog

There are many people who create a significant income just from their blogs!

I’ve only been able to work on mine over the course of several years in the “cracks” of life as a busy homeschool mama. Yet I never gave up, I continued to plug along consistently, and I’m proud to say that I finally made my first few dollars from my blog!

I personally am part of the Blogging Fast Lane community. After trying out a handful of “how to blog” courses, I landed on Tom and Anna’s and theirs has been the best I’ve taken so far. In fact, because of their step-by-step teaching, I was finally able to monetize my blog!

If you’re interested in learning how to make money through blogging, check out this free webinar!

7) Create digital products to sell

As I continued my education in blogging, I stumbled upon the world of creating digital products (like printables and e-books).

I’m especially loving this way of initially making money because I spend time and energy to create a digital product ONE TIME, but am able to create passive income from it once I share it with the world!

It’s pretty cool to get an e-mail notification that one of my digital products has sold while I’m sleeping or while I’m in the middle of homeschooling! 🙂

I actually created a step-by-step guide on how to create digital products on Canva that you can sell as well as how to market and sell them!

If blogging isn’t your jam, or seems too daunting for this season, creating digital products is a great initial way to bring in extra cash. Plus, if you’re the creative type, it’s super fun to do just as a hobby or creative outlet!

8) Start a freelance digital marketing business

This is what I am currently growing skills in because I see it as a way to not only bring in extra income but also create a full-time one.

In fact, of all the different things I’ve dabbled in, the skillset I am currently gaining as a digital marketer has been THE MOST VALUABLE (I’ve already applied these skills to grow my own blogging and digital product endeavors and seen them work!).

APRIL 2024 UPDATE: Since I started freelance digital marketing in Oct 2023, I have been able to build a business with multiple streams of income that has helped alleviate the financial burden we had been feeling from this economy!

What is freelance digital marketing?

It’s a strategic approach to marketing that uses various digital channels to reach and engage with a target audience. In today’s digital age, digital marketing plays a crucial role in helping businesses grow, build brand awareness, and generate leads and sales.

Why you want to learn digital marketing skills:

It is a valuable skillset to have in this day and age, not just for online businesses but for brick-and-mortar ones as well. As a digital marketer you can:

#1) Market and sell YOUR OWN products (physical or digital). Maybe you already have a product or service that you want to offer to customers. Do you and your husband own a traditional business? As you know, a simple, static website doesn’t automatically mean sales. You first need to drive people to what you have to offer! Learning KEY digital marketing skills will help you bridge that gap between your product/service and your target market.

#2) Other people’s products (either through reselling done-for-you digital products or affiliate marketing). Maybe you don’t have anything to sell yet, but you do know that you want to want to start making money online. There are sooo many other companies out there who do have products/services that you can promote and get paid on. You can start a whole online business just as a reseller and/or affiliate marketer (generating high returns, with little or no cost to you)!

#3) To gain the skillset to help other businesses market and sell their products and services. Did you know that since 2019, there has been a 53.2% increase in new businesses starting up? The problem is that, while these entrepreneurs are great at creating products/services, they are struggling with actually getting their products/services into the hands of their target market. Businesses like these will pay freelance digital marketers (that’s would be you once you gain a digital marketing skillset) to help them grow!

As I continue to learn and grow in my own blogging/writing/content creation journey, I’ve come to realize the importance of digital marketing skills in today’s world. Not only am I using it to grow my own endeavors, but I can also see it as something I can use should I need to enter the marketplace again!

To learn more how to make money as a homeschool mom through freelance digital marketing, download my free e-book: “A Beginner’s Guide to Freelance Digital Marketing”!

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