Interview with My Unschooled Teens

I have something special for you today!
I few weeks back, I asked my community (you guys) to do a survey and one of the questions I asked was: If we could meet for coffee, what would you ask me?
There were quite a few questions related to how well-equipped my teens (particularly my 17-year old son) felt about their futures (i.e. how prepared they felt for formal studies, being able to work, and just becoming adults), considering they have grown up as self-directed learners/unschoolers/lifeschoolers.
Some even requested hearing straight from them!
Well, here it is – my big kids quickly answering some questions for you!
Those who have followed us for a while know that our crew has always focused on an education that would prepare them as effective kingdom leaders; one that doesn’t elevate getting good grades, passing tests, or leveling up the conveyor belt system that most of us are indoctrinated with.
Sure, we have done school-ish things in our homeschool over the years, but the bulk of our “curriculum” was on training them up on things like:
- the power of the mind and the importance of having a strong mindset
- having a big picture, stewardship perspective on life
- the fact they have God-given purpose and agency
- living intentionally and missionally; having gospel eyes and ears in every situation they find themselves in
- what it looks like to exercise initiative and resourcefulness
- and more that had to do with equipping them as a WHOLE person, not just an academic student
And most importantly, imparting to them a love for Jesus and His word … learning to seek His will for their own lives … learning to seek God’s wisdom and Spirit-led discernment as they continued to grow from child to young adult.
Matthew 6:33 is the verse that has directed me as their mama-teacher to pursue this road over all other roads we could have taken in our homeschool.
We personally felt that if they could learn THOSE kinds of real life and leadership skills while under our roof (skills that aren’t measured by standardized tests) over the 18 years we get to disciple them, then we knew they would be MORE than fine, whether they choose to pursue higher education or not, and no matter where God leads them in their adult lives.
As you’ll see in this quick, 5-ish minute interview, my kids aren’t worried about their futures. They know where they are at academically but also know that if they were led to pursue more formal studies, they have been equipped with the mindset, work ethic, and Holy Spirit to accomplish whatever would be required of them.
As well, they touch quite a bit on communication skills (to us, that isn’t just in speaking but even more in listening; we use the terms “having gospel eyes and ears” a lot in our family) and being able to engage and interact with other people as a big part of being prepared for life. That’s because we’ve drilled in them the importance of relationships (hey, it’s an integral part of God’s design for humanity – with Him and with each other!) and that cultivating relationships are a bedrock for success in this world (personally and professionally).

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After watching back their video, I realized they don’t necessarily go into WHY they feel the way they feel, so I just wanted to round out their interview by sharing the context of their upbringing/homeschooling so you can get a better insight as to why they gave the answers they gave.
I hope what they share helps or even inspires you! Watch their video here.