The Foundation and Framing of Children

There’s a house being built next door. I love seeing the progress every day and get excited over how it will turn out. Gives me the same vibes I felt when we were building our own home.
Today, I pondered how it took from late spring through all of summer just for the underground and foundation to be laid. Months and months of all this work that seemed slow and never-ending. I wondered if they were ever going to get around to getting the house framed up and whether they were going to be able to finish it by the end of the year (we live where we can potentially have winter in just a couple more months).
But, in just a couple days, what was once a hole in the ground with a massive chunk of concrete has morphed into the shape of an actual building. I was reminded of, and marveled at, how quickly the framing goes. And how important a solid foundation is for the remaining structural work yet to be completed.
This made me think of the season I am currently in as a mama.
All those years of teaching and training. From raising babes, to surviving the toddler/preschool stage, to the steady discipleship throughout the elementary and tween years … so much underground and foundation work that seemed slow and never-ending.
But here we are with two teenagers in our home (and one on their heels). Really, they are no longer children but young adults who are quickly learning to find their feet in this world and within the relationships around them. I feel like so much growth is happening right now in this season as they prepare to launch. They are finally being “framed up” and it is an exciting process for me as their mom to witness all the maturity that is blossoming in their spirits as they slowly grow more and more into their identities – not just in Christ, but in who God intended for them to become in this big story of His.
It’s certainly been a tandem process of stretching and sanctification. The late nights of listening, days upon days of guiding with wisdom from God’s word, both encouraging them AND challenging them, navigating guilt from sinning in my anger towards them (it definitely feels different from the days of raising littles, who are so quick to forgive and can even forget your indiscretions!), and just the overall weariness from a messy life that manifests when your put imperfect people together.
And prayer. Sooo much prayer. Especially in moments when you just don’t want to pray but crawl into a hole, curl up into a ball, and never come out.
Partnering with God in raising these peeps has not been (and still is not) easy. But you guys, HIS GRACE. So much of it, for me and for them. He truly is the Greater Parent … not just theirs, but ours.
I guess I’m here to say, just keep going and don’t grow weary in your role as someone called to help raise up an army for God’s kingdom. Don’t worry about schoolwork and grades and whether or not your kid will get into a good college. Focus more on discipleship. Because as long as our kids get their relationship with Jesus right, all other things will fall into place.