We All Have Our Stories – Here’s Mine

A ghetto Valley girl in a wife and mom world
Wondering what happened when life unfurled
A guy showed up in his Chevy truck
Unlikely suitor, love got me stuck
Next thing I know – old life’s out the window
Tryin’ to make do without Guess and Aldo
Making casseroles … what the heck are those?
Never dreamed that I’d be watching livestock shows
Figurin’ out where I fit in
Feeling outta place with the Wenatcheeans
But slowly driftin’ from the values of L.A.
Wanting a better life away from the decay
Takin’ Mulan’s lead, I’m lookin’ at a face
Asking lots of questions, feelin’ a little displaced
Then I check my I.D., the truth reminding me
I’m not a lost soul wandering aimlessly
My identity … it’s not where I reside,
Not what I drive or with whom I jive
It’s found in the blood that covers me
A new creation justified beautifully
That’s where I find my security
I penned that “rap” (hey, I grew up in the hiphop/dance crew subculture of L.A.) 😆 roughly ten years ago, when I kept up a personal blog to journal my struggles and reflections as a big city transplant to a small, agricultural town in Central Washington (and the culture shock associated with that – both socially and ethnically 🥴), while simultaneously navigating life as a brand-spanking new mom AND baby Christian.
All kinds of new were happening to me and though life was an absolute blessing, I was also absolutely lost. I surely did not have to wait for my mid-life crisis; it was happening to me right as I turned 30!
A decade has passed since then and I get to celebrate 40 years of life later this week. I plan on taking the next several days to share my story within God’s bigger story … especially how I came to realize that my identity and purpose aren’t determined by any person, place, or thing in this temporary world, but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ alone.
Below are the links to each part of the “My Story” series: