Christian Unschooling: History

Christian Unschooling: History

A Non-Negotiable for Our Family History is, and has always been, a core value in our home, one that trumps grammar rules and math facts. As Christians, I firmly believe in the importance of discipling our kids through God’s big story (creation, the fall, redemption, 

Christian Unschooling: Math

Christian Unschooling: Math

The “M” word, LOL. Not gonna lie – it’s not a deep passion here. We like words better. And, hey, we live with calculators and Google! When we first started homeschooling, I didn’t feel well-equipped to be able to teach math to my kids. I 

Christian Unschooling: Language Arts

Christian Unschooling: Language Arts

Unschooling language arts is really about: WORDS. Jesus is … The Word. The world was created with … words. All of humanity (regardless of nation or race) communicates through … words. Words are the way we process, understand, and even create and shape the world 

Celebrating a Gospel-Centered Valentine’s Day with Kids (Plus a FREE Printable!)

Celebrating a Gospel-Centered Valentine’s Day with Kids (Plus a FREE Printable!)

Valentine’s Day is more than hearts, chocolates, and cute cards; it’s a perfect opportunity to focus on the greatest love of all – God’s love for us! And as unschoolers, seasons and holidays were a cornerstone of our learning rhythm. They provided a natural way 

How to Be Successful as Christian Unschoolers

How to Be Successful as Christian Unschoolers

The term “Christian unschoolers” sounds like a complete oxymoron. Many people – especially Christians – are legit terrified of the term “unschooling” because it connotes the idea there is no learning at all, or that this way of homeschooling is lazy or allows for children 

A Day in the Life of Christian Unschoolers (Ages 11, 14, 16)

A Day in the Life of Christian Unschoolers (Ages 11, 14, 16)

It’s been a long while since I last shared a homeschool “day in the life” for our crew of Christian unschoolers. It was easier to document our days when my kids were in the elementary stage, but once we hit the tween/teen years, life has 

Cultivate a Love for God’s Word Without Making Your Kids Memorize Scripture

Cultivate a Love for God’s Word Without Making Your Kids Memorize Scripture

I’ve rarely made my kids read the bible for the sake of reading the bible or just because that is what Christians should do. (I’m not saying they don’t read their bibles, I’m just saying I don’t make them.) And I’ve rarely made them memorize 

My Absolute Favorite Thing About Homeschooling

My Absolute Favorite Thing About Homeschooling

Earlier this week, I wrote about the importance of our homeschool WHYs and how they served as the framework for creating our family’s homeschool VISION. The constant reflection of our family’s reason to homeschool, as well as having a direction to move toward, sustained me 

What is Your Homeschool “WHY”?

What is Your Homeschool “WHY”?

An Important Question What’s your homeschool WHY? Why have you chosen (and continue to choose) to tread a path less traveled? Reflecting often on the answer to this question is important because simply put, homeschooling is no joke! As ideal as it may seem to 

Teaching Kids the Practice of Reflecting

Teaching Kids the Practice of Reflecting

Christmas is over and a new year is just a couple days away! As expected, a vast majority of our society has shifted from merry-making to resolution-making … and right now there’s quite a bit of noise out there on the topic. To Set Goals 

What is Lifeschooling?

What is Lifeschooling?

Don’t you just love that word?! I first came across the term from another blogger mama with a heart for natural learning. And if you do a Google search, you’ll find a myriad of similar definitions for “lifeschooling”. For our Jesus-loving crew, I like using 

Creating a Homeschool Compass

Creating a Homeschool Compass

You know that sweet sound of silence and the overwhelming peace that comes when the little people you have been caring for all day have gone to bed? It was one of those nights, when I first learned about homeschool compasses. At the time, my