
Creating a Gospel-Centered Vision Statement for Your Homeschool

Creating a Gospel-Centered Vision Statement for Your Homeschool

“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.” Antoine De Saint-Exupery What kind of “cathedral” do you hope to build with your homeschool? Have you even considered the idea 

Gospel-Centered Books for Families

Gospel-Centered Books for Families

“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 6:7

Be a Disciple Before a Disciple-Maker

Be a Disciple Before a Disciple-Maker

We can’t really be intentional with helping our kids cultivate an authentic relationship with Jesus, unless we are cultivating one ourselves. I previously shared what discipleship looks like in our own home; what it looks like to raise gospel fluent kids who love and follow 

How to Help Your Kids Cultivate an Authentic Relationship with Jesus

How to Help Your Kids Cultivate an Authentic Relationship with Jesus

As a Christian parent, one of my biggest hopes is that they know, love, and follow Jesus. And therefore, one of my biggest priorities (especially as a homeschool mom) is to teach them about who He is. In our culture, this typically looks like:

Overnight Field Trip to Historic Davenport Hotel

Overnight Field Trip to Historic Davenport Hotel

Baby Sis: “Why would a hotel like this be built when a war was happening?” Me: “Well, first of all, it was built right at the beginning of the war. And do you remember where World War 1 took place?” Baby Sis: “Ohhh … it 

World War 1 Books for Kids

World War 1 Books for Kids

We are diving into the 20th century in our homeschool, and are currently camped out at The Great War. Here are some great World War 1 books for kids:

Max and Cha Cha’s RC Crawlers Overview & Book Trail Video

Max and Cha Cha’s RC Crawlers Overview & Book Trail Video

Hey everyone this is Max! Wanted to share this video to show how fun these mini crawlers are and write about some of the things that make these things sooooo cool! So first of all they’re small, which makes it perfect for traveling or living 

A Day in the Life of a Christian Unschooling Family (Ages 9, 12, and 14)

A Day in the Life of a Christian Unschooling Family (Ages 9, 12, and 14)

It’s that time of year again … little snap shot of a typical day in our Christian unschooling life. Currently, my kids are ages 9 (3rd grade), 12 (6th grade), and 14 (8th grade). BEFORE YOU READ ABOUT WHAT A DAY LOOKS LIKE FOR US 

Hey Moms: Let the Greater Parent Ease Your Load

Hey Moms: Let the Greater Parent Ease Your Load

“I am going to be more patient.” “I am not going to yell.” “I need to spend more time playing with them.” “All the laundry will be done and put away (like hung and folded, not tossed into the closet or shoved into a drawer ).”

How to Stay Out of the Comparison Trap

How to Stay Out of the Comparison Trap

Comparison. The trap that we mothers (all women, in fact) fall into; the trap of looking outside of the life we have been blessed with and sizing it up with another’s. We plug along trying to do our best but when we look around, it seems 

A K.I.S.S. Kind of Faith for the Everyday

A K.I.S.S. Kind of Faith for the Everyday

Sometimes life can seem little more than labored attempts of meeting the demands of the everyday. People constantly need us, and there is always work to be done. I know I’m not the only one who has had many days of complete overwhelm … barely able keep 

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Once upon a time, there was a young woman who dreamed of an ever after that comprised of a successful career, an inventory of material luxuries, and the flexibility & time to globe-trot the world. In this dream, she would later set down roots in